How to ace your online job interview?
Online interviews are similar to traditional ones apart from a few major differences for which the candidates need to be ready. Go through this article on Kent Jobs to get a few preparation tips before you attend an online interview.
Cross-check with a test-run
The technology is witnessing a different phase of growth compared to the past. The so-called virtual interviews (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, etc.) are allowing easy interaction between the employer and job seeker. So be prepared and see that the respective app is working perfectly on your phone or computer.
The same formula of attending an in-person interview replicates the online interview. You may be physically attending 10-15 minutes early to the scheduled time; the same punctuality needs to be maintained for an online interview too.
Pick the perfect spot
Location can be a vital factor when getting interviewed online. See that you are neither exposed to over lighting nor to the dark. Natural lighting (in case of day time) is always preferable as the distraction. Also you may ask if it is it an audio interview or both audio and video? If the answer is an audio interview, see that your surroundings are not disturbing.
Dress professionally
For a video call, your personal appearance in front of the interviewer is also an important thing. Wear professional attire and sit straight to draw your interviewer a positive impression. Give a natural and short bit of smile to run through the interview smoothly.
If you are scheduled with an online interview for Jobs in Kent or elsewhere, these simple suggestions can guide you better while attending an interview.